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Streaming is in session. Watch our best shows about the world's most interesting subjects — no textbooks needed.
- Original
- 8 episodes
- 93%
Forget the textbooks! These 8 fast-paced episodes reveal the funny, disturbing, weird, but always interesting bits of history.
- Original
- 2 episodes
- 98%
Nature follows a number of intricate and subtle mathematical rules to produce the patterns, shapes, and colors that we find so mesmerizing.
- Original
- 3 episodes
- 96%
The story of humans is often driven by events from the prehistoric past. How did physics, geology, biology, chemistry shape our history?
- Original
- 10 episodes
- 93%
Each episode of Oddly Satisfying Science will introduce us to several visually appealing experiments designed to blow our minds.
- Original
- 15 episodes
- 95%
Oops I Changed The World! tells the fascinating stories of accidental and surprise inventions that have transformed our lives.
- Original
- 5 episodes
- 94%
Relive some of the most iconic moments in recent history that shaped politics, film, crime, science, celebrity, the arts, and more.
- Original
- 10 episodes
- 94%
Uncover the extraordinary origins of "ordinary" things – and the moments of inspiration that made them possible.
- 4 episodes
- 92%
State-of-the-art technology meets archaeology! This 4-part series will shed light on the past with a level of detail never seen before.
- Original
- 3 episodes
- 98%
Quantum physics? Theoretical physicist Brian Greene helps you understand its origins and its impact on today's world.
- Original
- 3 episodes
- 96%
Modern science reveals the environmental forces that have shaped human history
- Original
- 3 episodes
- 97%
Vint Cerf, Steve Case, and Ed Snowden -- internet insiders reveal its hidden past and startling present.
- Original
- 3 episodes
- 97%
The image of the human body was that the brain is the command center and the other organs obey the orders from the brain. We now know more.
- 51m
- 97%
The ancient art of folding paper has entered cutting-edge domains. Researchers in robotics, medicine and nanotechnologies are embracing this “origami philosophy,” trying to understand and duplicate nature’s folding principles.
- Original
- 2 episodes
- 97%
Explore the hottest area of bioscience, genomics with stunning live image, quality CGI, the forefront research, and real human stories.
- 1h 21m
- 89%
To escape the pressures of growing up, magic-obsessed kids congregate at the one place they can be themselves; Tannen's Magic Camp, the oldest + most prestigious training ground for young magicians.
- Original
- 6 episodes
- 96%
Music educator and pro musician Marty Schwartz talks with experts about the science of how music affects our emotions, brains, and bodies.
- 49m
- 97%
Around 600 Stradivarius-made violins still exist, but the secret of its unrivaled sound remains veiled in mystery. Join Karen Gomyo, a New York-based Stradivarius player, and performers, artisans, and scientists on a 300-year journey tracing the saga of this sublime instrument.
- 4 episodes
- 95%
From Protozoa to the stewards of the Earth. Journey across the eons to examine where life on Earth came from and where it might lead.
- Original
- 12 episodes
- 94%
These are the Innovators, explorers, and incredible minds that pursue progress… at any price.